
ExpressCredit provides real-time management of lines of credit through the use of shadow credits and tied allocation lines.

Accounting tickets, on-demand reporting and the easy management of customers’ credit lines. Using ExpressCredit integrated workflow, credit offerings may be routed to various members of your organization for approval prior to the final booking or boarding of the utilization.

Hierarchical Limits

ExpressCredit provides for a series of lines and sublines, which can be managed with hierarchical limits.

Shadow Credits

ExpressCredit provides the real-time blocking of credit lines using shadow credits, which are released from the processing floor by operators at key junctures. Shadow entries remain until the final credit transaction is approved, or they may be released.

Non-allocated Lines

Where customers’ lines are not allocated for a specific product, ExpressCredit can produce offering tickets, which can be routed for approval within the organization.

Credit Workflow

Offering tickets can be routed to appropriate officers within the bank and approved with simple push button actions. Further, multiple tickets can be produced to provide information to other departments within the bank.

Sublimit Expiry Dates

Sublimits may include expiry dates that prevent the customer from utilizing credit after a specified time.

Integration with CL Systems

ExpressCredit integrates with Commercial Loan systems thereby connecting real-time to the bank’s system of record.

Cash Collateral

Cash collateral can be used with all credit transactions.